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Going to Uganda was an adventure that was more than I could ever have imagined.  Meeting so many wonderful people, sharing the art of ballet with them, having them share their lives with me, and coming to love them so deeply.   


But what has been even more beautiful, has been sharing this with Marianne.   To see how she has loved and treasured her friendships there, to see how she treated the children, the teachers, and how they treasured her.  It was more than I can put into words.   I believe the pictures speak for themselves.  


This year in particular, she dove into taking care of and loving the kids. Whether it was taking one to the clinic to hold him  tight as the staff  relocated his dislocated elbow, to being sure a young girl took her medicine -- cajoling her when necessary.   Watching Marianne comfort one who fell, or being silly with others as they climbed  mango trees,  got ice cream, played volleyball.   Most of the photos this year were taken by her.   


Working with teachers who wanted to continue ballet training for the students after we left, helping with many projects in the classrooms, and just being so compassionate.    



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When we got home Marianne and I decided we wanted to do more for the students and faculty of Deirdre Ann Academy.    


While we were there this summer, the P7 students were preparing for their end of Primary School Exams, in fact going to school 7 days a week.   They took a mock exam and placed 2nd in the district.  This is amazing as this is the first set of students to take these exams.


The sad thing, is, though, that some of the students who are eligible to apply for Secondary School will not be able to afford to go.  


We are in the process of creating a non-profit organization so we can raise funds to ensure that every student who qualifies can attend Secondary School.  They have dreams, desires and aspirations -- to be teachers, nurses, doctors, engineers, nuns, etc. and to bring their skills back to their village. 


Our non profit is named Reaching Beyond Globally and has a very supportive group of Board Members.   Its purpose is to support and enable

expanded education for the children and faculty of Deirdre Ann Academy.    


It has been exciting and humbling to work on this with Marianne.    




I can't thank you enough for your compassion and energy in making this happen.   Off we go --  what an adventure!!  

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