I will be introducing ballet to the students of the Deidre Ann Academy in Kiryabicooli, Uganda, under this beautiful tree.
About a year ago Charles asked me if there was something I wanted to do, but had reasons and excuses for not doing. (not enough time, it's too late, I'm too old, not enough money, etc). I've always wanted to go to Africa and volunteer. He said, "Well, do it".
Soon after I decided to "Do it", I discovered that Miss Nicky's Preschool (where I teach movement classes) had a pen pal program with the Deidre Ann Academy in Kiryabicooli. Nicole Fletcher, the school director, introduced me to Emily Rymland, who co-ordinated the letter exchange ( as well as building and funding the medical clinic and more which I'll delve into later)
and here I am today -- ready to fly across the country to introduce ballet to 255 students.
Through donations and support from SO many of you I am able to bring ballet slippers, leotards, dance shorts and shirts to every one of those students.

Bob Kranzke Photography added a raffle to his Photo Show -- the winner won a print and the proceeds supported this project.

Some of the 50 lbs of ballet slippers from Smuin Ballet, MDT dancers, SF DanceWear, SoDanca and more.
From 2018 Trip

Joy organized a shirt painting event with MDT
dancers so that the boys would have special shirts
to wear.
Jean Headquist and Maria of D'Lynn's donated shoes, leotards for the girls and found shorts for all of the boys.

31 beautiful shirts decorated for the boys.
Digit sitting on 40 pounds of boys shorts and shirts.